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                华为全ω 球旗舰店



                After 85 years of historical changes, Nanjing building ushered in a new chapter, Huawei's global flagship store. The flagship store leaves the original charm of the historical building to the greatest extent, and the facade completely retains the brick face style, combining the tradition with the modern, creating a dazzling architectural style.


                Huawei Community,南京大楼原本的“天井”以大气高级的设计回归。值得一提的是,步梯连接着各楼面,模拟日光的灯顶让“日光”倾泻而下,在这里可以随性地坐↑在台阶上,聊天、学习交流

                Huawei community, the original "patio" of Nanjing building returns to the advanced design of atmosphere. It is worth mentioning that the step ladder is connected with each floor, and the lamp top simulating sunlight makes "Sunlight" pour down. Here, you can sit on the step randomly, chat, learn and communicate



                The integrated use of terrazzo on the wall and floor greatly improves the overall feeling of the room. The smooth and flat advantages of terrazzo are perfectly reflected in the atrium light



                The overall use of terrazzo in the lobby stairs makes the ground and stairs perfectly connected. The arc angle treatment of stair veneer shows the ultimate craft of the classic terrazzo



                Various colors and infinite collocation add the design elements of the terrazzo. Huawei flagship store takes atmospheric comfort as the design concept, white terrazzo as the base, gold and black are used to mix the patterns, and the aesthetic feeling of lines is used to show its design concept, which is also the embodiment of the terrazzo floor superior to other floors

                上海典跃建材科技有限公司沪ICP备19017070号-1 网站设计:JCE网站设计